01/12/202230 years of Sónar: a visual campaign created by AI

Sónar unveils the striking image campaign for its 30th anniversary. Instead of looking to the past, Sónar has revisited the campaigns from all these years using Artificial Intelligence, with the aim of bringing images of the festival from the last three decades to the eyes of younger generations.

The AI has carried out 29 training sessions, using one of the image campaigns from the festival’s history for each one of them. In seeking to acquire the ability to generate images that could fit into each of these campaigns, the AI trains itself and generates a multitude of trial and error results. It is in the beauty of these errors that Sónar has found the image for its 30th anniversary

Once again, this year’s image campaign has come from an unconventional place (as has been the case every year since 1994). In 2023, Sónar will be processing 30 years of a life born from innovation, using a new technology that is itself in a state of constant evolution. 

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